Taking a walk in New York is a treasure on its own. Whether you are in Brooklyn, Manhattan Queens, or the Bronx, every aspect of the community tells a story. Some of these stories are probably unheard of but others may feel familiar. Regardless, these stories are important to hear because history is a part of who we are, despite race.
Our readings have proved to us that Henry Ward Beecher was a man that was admired by many. Though it is true that he was against slavery and helped to free slaves, I believe that he is on a higher pedestal than he should be, literally and figuratively. The sculpture of Beecher in Columbus park displays him on a pedestal with a freed slave placing palms at his feet and children placing flowers near him. The freed slave should not be shown putting all of her grace and thanks within Beecher. Slaves had to go through these hardships alone, so if anything, I believe that they should stand on the same pedestal or even higher than Beecher. Nothing is done successfully by just one person, it is a collective effort and everyone should be given credit for their part.
Thank you for your post. How can correct the story that this sculpture tells? There might not be a way without removing it. But if we cannot remove it, maybe we can draw the attention of Brooklynites and visitors to monuments and works of public art that tell more accurate histories?