On our trips to the New Museum on December 1 and December 6 to see Young Lords and their Traces: Theaster Gates, you spent time looking and thinking about objects that hold meaning for Theaster Gates, both objects he has collected, and objects he has created. Using one or two of the questions on your worksheet as a jumping off point, write a paragraph or two about your visit and an artwork or group of artworks that interested you. What insights or questions did you walk away with?

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During our trip to the museum, many of the art pieces intrigued me. However, these two have captured my attention the most and resulted in me researching the reason behind his choice of songs. African culture has been one of many that have influenced Gates's works. The music choice is both very spiritual. "Theaster Gates --Billy sings Amazing Grace" is the type of song that black people in the past would sing past. The music choices carry lessons and history. While in the room listening to the song, it made me think a lot about the past. Gates has many ceramic and stone-like pieces that are both Japanese and African American cultural designs on the floor, which to my understanding,…