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When I did the walk to these sculptures, I realized how important it is to know Brooklyn's history, people pass this art pieces without knowing the history and power behind this. I think that people are so used to see sculptures or some type of art on the streets that they don't take a minute to really get into its history and the reason that it was made in the first place.
"Unity" by Hank Wills Thomas.
What kept me thinking during this visit was this sculpture and its description. Hank Wills describes that many of the objects we see on the streets are advertisements to sell things or promote something, rather than reflect on something. I loved how this is an open-ended and an open perspective public art. It does not pay tribute to something in particular, it's just for people to give its own meaning to it, which is very important in art. To every piece of art, people will have different opinions of it, different perspectives and arguments about it, so no piece of art is correct or incorrect, art could take your mind into different places and that's what makes it interesting for me.

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