What do the objects in this room have in common? Why has Gates displayed them together here? (reading the wall label will help).
They look old and precious. Gates has displayed them together here because he wants them to be one layered narrative and living history. They have connections between abstraction, spiritualism, and everyday experience into a type of Communion, memorializing both heroic figures and more humble, everyday icons. Also, they all have personal meaning to him or from his collection. According to Gates, "collective forms of knowledge are built across objects, images, sounds, movements, and relationships between people.
b) Choose one of the displayed artworks or items that intrigues or attracts you. identify your chosen item and briefly describe some of its formal characteristics (formal characteristic are things you can see like shape, color, material, composition, texture, size etc.) Read the accompanying label if there is one. Does the label change your perception of the displayed item? If so, how?
Theaster Gate, Boli, 20l4. Boli sculpture wood, metal, organic materials, and unbleached cheesecloth. It looks like a mummy object created by those Bamana artists in Mali to harness spiritual energy. Maybe, Gates wrapped it to protect it from eyes to see something sacred.

Thank you!